1 sesgo
m.1 slant.2 course, path (rumbo).3 bias.pres.indicat.1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: sesgar.* * *1 (torcimiento) slant\tomar un sesgo favorable / tomar un sesgo desfavorable figurado to take a turn for the better / take a turn for the worse* * *SM1) (=inclinación) slant2) (=torcimiento) warp, twist3) (Cos) bias4) (Téc) bevel5) (=dirección) direction6) * (=truco) dodge ** * *1)a) ( de falda) biasb) ( diagonal)al sesgo — crosswise, diagonally
2) (tendencia, enfoque) bias, slant; ( rumbo) direction* * *= bent, bias [biases, -pl.], skewness, skew, taint, tilt, slant.Ex. This factor was a constant theme especially in those programmes with a highly technical bent.Ex. The place of publication may also warn of biases in approach or differences in terminology that arise in the text.Ex. This skewness implies that there will always be a large fraction of uncited publications.Ex. The results shows that the new algorithm performs better than existing algorithms for a wide degree of skew.Ex. The article is entitled 'The classification of literature in the Dewey Decimal Classification: the primacy of language and the taint of colonialism' = El artículo se titula "La clasificación de la literatura en la Clasificación Decimal de Dewey: la primacía del lenguaje y el daño del colonialismo".Ex. This has contributed to a tilt toward English-language publications in Web of Science.Ex. The 7th edition of CC is due to appear in 1971, and Ranganathan has given an extensive preview in an article in Library Science with a slant to documentation, cited at the end of this chapter.----* sesgo de género = gender bias.* * *1)a) ( de falda) biasb) ( diagonal)al sesgo — crosswise, diagonally
2) (tendencia, enfoque) bias, slant; ( rumbo) direction* * *= bent, bias [biases, -pl.], skewness, skew, taint, tilt, slant.Ex: This factor was a constant theme especially in those programmes with a highly technical bent.
Ex: The place of publication may also warn of biases in approach or differences in terminology that arise in the text.Ex: This skewness implies that there will always be a large fraction of uncited publications.Ex: The results shows that the new algorithm performs better than existing algorithms for a wide degree of skew.Ex: The article is entitled 'The classification of literature in the Dewey Decimal Classification: the primacy of language and the taint of colonialism' = El artículo se titula "La clasificación de la literatura en la Clasificación Decimal de Dewey: la primacía del lenguaje y el daño del colonialismo".Ex: This has contributed to a tilt toward English-language publications in Web of Science.Ex: The 7th edition of CC is due to appear in 1971, and Ranganathan has given an extensive preview in an article in Library Science with a slant to documentation, cited at the end of this chapter.* sesgo de género = gender bias.* * *A1 (de una falda) biasse corta al sesgo you cut it on the bias2(diagonal): al sesgo crosswise, diagonallyB1 (tendencia, enfoque) bias, slantla conferencia tuvo un sesgo marcadamente político the lecture had a markedly political slant o bias, the lecture was markedly political2 (rumbo) directionno me gusta el sesgo que está tomando el asunto I don't like the direction this is taking o the way this is going* * *
Del verbo sesgar: ( conjugate sesgar)
sesgo es:
1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo
sesgó es:
3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo
Multiple Entries:
sesgar verbo transitivo
1 (cortar en diagonal) to cut on the bias
(poner en diagonal) to slant
2 (un punto de vista, una opinión) to slant
sesgo sustantivo masculino
1 (cariz, rumbo) turn
2 (enfoque) slant
' sesgo' also found in these entries:
* * *sesgo nm1. [oblicuidad] slant;al sesgo [en diagonal] on a slant;[costura] on the bias2. [rumbo] course, path;preocupa el sesgo que está tomando el conflicto the conflict has taken a worrying turn* * *m figbias* * *sesgo nm: bias -
2 rumbo
m.1 course.no me gusta el rumbo que están tomando las negociaciones I don't like the direction o turn the negotiations have takenir con rumbo a to be heading forcambió el rumbo de su vida it changed the course of her lifecaminar sin rumbo (fijo) to wander aimlesslyhabrá que corregir el rumbo de la empresa (figurative) we will have to change the company's directionmantener el rumbo to maintain one's courseponer rumbo a to set course forel rumbo de los acontecimientos the course of events2 direction, bearing, destination, way.3 rhumb.pres.indicat.1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: rumbar.* * *1 (dirección) course, direction\con rumbo a / rumbo a bound for, heading for, in the direction ofmarcar el rumbo to set the courseperder el rumbo to go off course 2 figurado to lose one's bearingsponer rumbo a to head for* * *noun m.course, direction, route* * *ISM1) (=dirección) (Aer, Náut) courseperder el rumbo — (Aer, Náut) to go off course
con rumbo a: acababa de despegar con rumbo a Rumanía — it had just taken off for Romania
sin rumbo (fijo) — [pasear] aimlessly; [viajar] with no fixed destination
2) (=tendencia)3) (=generosidad) generosity, lavishness4) LAm (=fiesta) party5) Cono Sur (=herida) cut (on the head)IISM And (Orn) hummingbird* * *1) ( dirección) direction, course; (Náut) coursenavegar con rumbo norte/sur — to sail a northerly/southerly course
poner rumbo a — to set a course for o head for
2) ( esplendidez) lavishness* * *= tack, sense of purpose.Ex. The simplest tack would be to include the metadata in the notes field but sorting by metadata attributes is problematic and clunky.Ex. This article argues that those in leadership roles bear a special responsibility for creating a sense of purpose in the organisation.----* cambiar de rumbo = branch off + on a side trail, change + tack.* camino sin rumbo = the road to nowhere.* con rumbo a = bound for.* desviado de rumbo = off course.* desviarse de rumbo = be off course, fly off + course.* estar fuera de rumbo = be off course.* fuera de rumbo = off course.* ir de aquí para allá sin rumbo fijo = freewheel.* ir rumbo a = be on the road to.* llevar rumbo de colisión con = be on a collision course with.* no tener rumbo = lose + Posesivo + way.* perder el rumbo = be off course, fly off + course.* perdido de rumbo = off course.* rumbo a = en route to, en route for, bound for.* rumbo de colisión = collision course.* seguir este rumbo = proceed + along this way.* seguir un rumbo diferente = take + a different turn.* sin rumbo = aimless, off course, rudderless.* trazar un rumbo = chart + course.* * *1) ( dirección) direction, course; (Náut) coursenavegar con rumbo norte/sur — to sail a northerly/southerly course
poner rumbo a — to set a course for o head for
2) ( esplendidez) lavishness* * *= tack, sense of purpose.Ex: The simplest tack would be to include the metadata in the notes field but sorting by metadata attributes is problematic and clunky.
Ex: This article argues that those in leadership roles bear a special responsibility for creating a sense of purpose in the organisation.* cambiar de rumbo = branch off + on a side trail, change + tack.* camino sin rumbo = the road to nowhere.* con rumbo a = bound for.* desviado de rumbo = off course.* desviarse de rumbo = be off course, fly off + course.* estar fuera de rumbo = be off course.* fuera de rumbo = off course.* ir de aquí para allá sin rumbo fijo = freewheel.* ir rumbo a = be on the road to.* llevar rumbo de colisión con = be on a collision course with.* no tener rumbo = lose + Posesivo + way.* perder el rumbo = be off course, fly off + course.* perdido de rumbo = off course.* rumbo a = en route to, en route for, bound for.* rumbo de colisión = collision course.* seguir este rumbo = proceed + along this way.* seguir un rumbo diferente = take + a different turn.* sin rumbo = aimless, off course, rudderless.* trazar un rumbo = chart + course.* * *A (dirección) direction, course; ( Náut) coursecaminaba sin rumbo fijo she wandered aimlesslypartió (con) rumbo a Toluca he set off for Tolucaabandonó el país (con) rumbo a Francia she left the country bound for Francenavegábamos con rumbo norte we were sailing northward(s) o north, we were sailing a northerly courseel barco puso rumbo a la costa italiana the boat set a course for o headed for the Italian coastlos acontecimientos han tomado un rumbo trágico events have taken a tragic turna partir de entonces su vida tomó un nuevo rumbo that changed the course of his lifela poesía española inició un nuevo rumbo Spanish poetry began to move in a new direction o took a new turnB (esplendidez) lavishness* * *
rumbo sustantivo masculino ( dirección) direction, course;
(Náut) course;
partió (con) rumbo a Toluca he set off for Toluca;
navegar con rumbo norte to sail a northerly course;
los acontecimientos tomaron un rumbo trágico events took a tragic turn
rumbo sustantivo masculino
1 (dirección) direction, course
poner rumbo a, to head o be bound for
Náut course
puso rumbo a Valencia, he set a course for Valencia
2 (conducta, tendencia) course
perder el rumbo, to lose one's way: deberíamos dar un nuevo rumbo a nuestra política de empleo, we should change our hiring policy
' rumbo' also found in these entries:
- derrota
- destino
- dirección
- este
- giro
- marcha
- sesgo
- singladura
- vagar
- vagabunda
- vagabundear
- vagabundo
- cauce
- navegante
- navegar
- torcer
- variar
- aimlessly
- course
- drift
- mooch
- northward
- route
- switch-over
- bound
- head
* * *rumbo nm1. [dirección] [al navegar] course;ir con rumbo a to be heading for;zarparon con rumbo a lo desconocido they set out into the unknown;cambió el rumbo de su vida it changed the course of her life;corregir el rumbo to correct one's course;habrá que corregir el rumbo de la empresa we will have to change the company's direction;mantener el rumbo to maintain one's course;perder el rumbo [barco] to go off course;Fig [persona] to lose one's way;puso rumbo al sur/a Terranova he set a course for the south/for Newfoundland;el rumbo de los acontecimientos the course of events;caminar sin rumbo (fijo) to wander aimlessly;Figtomar otro rumbo to take a different tack;no me gusta el rumbo que están tomando las negociaciones I don't like the direction o turn the negotiations have taken2. [ostentación] lavishness* * *m course;tomar rumbo a head for;perder el rumbo fig lose one’s way;tomar otro rumbo tb fig take a different course* * *rumbo nm1) : direction, coursecon rumbo a: bound for, heading forperder el rumbo: to go off course, to lose one's bearingssin rumbo: aimless, aimlessly2) : ostentation, pomp3) : lavishness, generosity* * *rumbo n1. (de barco, avión) course2. (dirección) direction
См. также в других словарях:
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Wikipedia:Candidatos a artículos destacados — Ir a la tabla de contenidos Atajo WP:CADWP:CAD [ … Wikipedia Español
Café (todos) — Wikipedia:Café (todos) Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Atajos WP:C … Wikipedia Español
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Argumentos que evitar en las consultas de borrado — Wikipedia:Argumentos que evitar en las consultas de borrado Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Atajos WP:AAECBWP:AAECB WP:AAEWP:AAE … Wikipedia Español
Wikipedia:Argumentos que evitar en las consultas de borrado — Atajos WP:AAECBWP:AAECB WP:AAEWP:AAE … Wikipedia Español
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